I love a nice green lawn and thankfully I can still have it in Arizona. The most common summer grass in Phoenix is Bermuda Grass. This is a weed everywhere else in the country but in Arizona we plant it and fertilize it to grow a beautiful desert lawn. Proper mowing is important for maintaining a healthy lawn. Do not mow it too short or scalp it in the summer. Short grass requires more water. Common Bermuda Grass should be about 1.5-2″ tall. Hybrid Bermuda Grass (Tifgreen, Tifway, Midiron) should be .5 – 1″ tall. Perennial Ryegrass (winter grass) should be 1.5-2″ tall Fescue should be 1.5-3″ tall, and St. Augustine should be 2.5-3.5″ tall. Typically you will need to mow in the summer growing months once a week to several times a week to keep your lawn healthy. If you let your lawn grow too long, don’t remove more than 1/3 of the grass at a time and keep your blades sharp. The best time to water in the hot summer months is at night or during the cool morning hours to avoid evaporation. Make sure when you water that you can push a screwdriver into the ground about 10″ after watering. This deep watering with infrequent cycles are best for Bermuda Grass. In the summer you will need to water your lawn about every 3 days. Too often and you will waste water and cause algae and mushrooms in your yard. Fertilize regularly but do not over fertilize. Check the package for instructions. When in doubt consult an experienced landscape contractor.